SaturdaySam's podcast
Be A Champion
Posted: 25 Dec 2006 08:12 AM CST
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Chrisitan Devotions for present and future successful business persons.
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Make good choices
Everybody wants to make good choices. Should you take that new job? Should you go further in this relationship? How should you deal with a particular problem? But to make the best choices we need God's wisdom. Someone once said, "You make your decisions and then your decisions make you." If you allow your choices to be guided by the wisdom of God, the direction you get from reading His Word and spending time in prayer, then you're going to experience true success. I have good news for you today! God wants to give you wisdom. Proverbs says that He will help you find the right course of action every time. Not some of the time; all of the time. Take time each day to listen to what God is saying to you. As you do, you'll make better decisions and you'll live the life of victory that God has in-store for you.
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Joel Osteen Ministries, 3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston TX 77027
Copyright © 2006 by Joel Osteen