Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tithing with your company
I just thought you should know that your company has that option.
Eric Standlee
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Consistent and Perseverant
Hebrews 10:36
This scripture is powerful to all aspects of our lives, but especially so for our businesses.
Persevere implies endurance. To endure in a race is to consistently place one foot in front of the other.
How does that apply to you? Think about what you are supposed to do. Write them out into steps. Do each step as unto Christ. You are planting a seed in the lives of each person around you as they watch you consistently and persistently striving forward for the promise that God has given you.
What is that promise? Deuteronomy 28's blessings are present tense and a good place to start.
Do you think that God has forgotten how to help you? No, He will do what he promised. He is faithful.
Every day is a new day. No matter what you did or didn't do yesterday, TODAY is new and God is right there helping you so that you are not disgraced.
Eric Standlee
Saturday, September 22, 2007
5 steps to a huge network on LinkedIn
Go to and:
1. join
2. create a complete profile
3. add you email to your last name field on your profile
4. add your website(s) on your profile
5. join and add your information there. This will place you in front of thousands of people and give you tons of free exposure.
Prospered not to increase my standard of living, but to increase my standard of giving,
Eric Standlee
5 secrets to success in any business or endeavor
Success is allusive to most. Most people eek out life on earth. How can you find success? Here are 5 secrets to success:
- Know that Most People don't have ideas as they have either been conditioned or they have conditioned themselves to not be creative.
- Know that when you have an idea on average 5 others have the same idea at the same time
- Know that most who have that idea wont act on it.
- When acting on your idea the keys to success are Persevere and be consistent and you will win.
- Finally, don't run unless you intend to run to win.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Mindset Notes
We estimated our expected tithe. It was unusual, but we estimated the amount of income we wanted for the next year. Then, starting in January, we tithed on that amount monthly. (We estimated the income, divided it by twelve, and tithed that mount). Guess what? At the end of the year that amount of our business profit was exactly what we had estimated.
The next year we increased our estimated income, and we tithed on that increased amount each month. That year, the same thing happened; we made that income. The third year, we increased the estimate again. But something went wrong. We blew a fuse! We made far more profit than the estimated amount.
God surprised us. He is wonderfully exciting. Over the years, He has surprised us again and again.
We are saved by faith. We are healed by faith. We get answers to prayers by faith. Our finances are blessed because of faith. God blesses our homes and families because of our faith.
As my friend, the late Dr. Edwin Cole, once said, "Faith never limits God, and God never limits faith."
Don't allow low expectations. Lack of expectancy is evidence of little faith. Faithlessness is irreverent. The element of expectancy is the basic DNA of faith. Things seen are temporary and subject to change.
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." II Cor. 4:18
Faith is not 'trying' to believe; faith never 'tries'. Faith speaks. Faith commands. Faith expects. Faith receives. Faith refuses to compromise. Faith praises. Faith doesn't waver. Faith wins!
From "Millionaire in the Pew" by Don Ostrom
Eric Standlee
Monday, September 03, 2007
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria: How Do You See Yourself?
Today's Scripture"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Your imagination is extremely powerful. God created you as a visual being. Choosing the right images in your mind's eye is important because your life will move in the direction of your thoughts. The way you see yourself in your mind's eye, over time, will drop down into your heart and become your reality. If you'll create a picture in your imagination of something you want, or a dream coming to pass and keep it in front of you, then you will move in that direction. I encourage you to get up every morning and picture yourself succeeding! Picture yourself healthy and whole! Picture yourself and your family not only being blessed, but being a bigger blessing to others. If you'll keep the right images in front of you, and always submit yourself to the Lord through prayer and thanksgiving, you'll move forward into the life of victory God has promised you.
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, I come to You today and submit every area of my mind and heart to You. Search my heart and show me what images I need to change in my mind. Thank You for equipping me with everything I need to live a life pleasing to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Joel Osteen Ministries, 3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston TX 77027
Champion, you are well able to do what God has called you to do.
Believe IT!
Eric Standlee