Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Crossing the Line

Footsteps of Faith Messenger
Purpose: Spreading Good News to the World!
Cover to Cover Campaign
One of the greatest and most rewarding tasks you can ever accomplish is the reading of the Bible from Genesis all the way through Revelation. If you would like to start this journey (we read slowly), you are welcome to join an ever-growing group! Simply signify your intentions by replying with "I'm in" in the subject line. You will be blessed! NEW TO THE BIBLE? If you are a new Christian or just haven't done much Bible reading yet, prior to committing to the Cover to Cover Campaign, I suggest you read three books in the New Testament for starters. Read the books of Matthew, John, and James. These wonderful books will give you a great introduction to the Christian faith and will be very eye-opening for you! Starting here will allow you to have a fresh perspective to begin the Cover to Cover study.
Footsteps of Faith Messenger - Issue 100 Crossing the Line John 10:9-10 Galatians 5 Romans 6:15-23 Tim Darnell

The man scheduled to teach Class 2 at the prison called in at the last minute to say he wasn’t going to be able to make it. My co-teacher, Larry, was prepared for the Class 1, so it was up to me to teach the ‘general pop’ class. I knew something very special was about to happen. I sensed a divine appointment that God had set aside for me.

Pulling up in the parking lot of the prison, I didn’t know what scripture God would lead me to teach, but I wasn’t concerned. I knew He would provide the perfect scripture for this particular moment in time.

Three men walked into the library. I felt led to ask them to talk about their lives, and I started by telling them a little about myself – some of the good and some of the bad choices in my younger years.

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: I know I am no better than any of the prisoners there. We are all sinners. The difference is that they were incarcerated for their misdeeds. One of my main reasons for teaching the Bible and sharing the saving message of Christ in prisons is the fact that I was granted more grace in the midst of my sin-filled life than I should ever have been given – at least by human standards. I could very easily have been caught and convicted at various points in my earlier years. But God had other plans for me. I am so thankful to this day, because in my life, grace has been so incredibly good that it hardly makes sense.

The stories of the men were sad, and unfortunately not too unusual. Two were arrested for methamphetamine use – a particularly life-damaging drug. One is a well-paid loan processor who lost his family due to the bad choices he’s made. Another was a former church staff member who had grown disenchanted with disingenuous and hypocritical fellow staff members. His unfortunate response was to turn to “partying” with illegal drugs. The third man in attendance was an alcoholic drifter – nervous and very confused.

The former church staff member stated that for him, Christ meant freedom – immediately Galatians 5 was the scripture I was prompted to open. (I encourage you to take the time to read this powerful chapter.) We read and discussed the list of sins that Paul instructs us to avoid; and then the remarkable gifts of the Spirit that God gives to those who walk in step with the Spirit. What an amazing contrast!

We then talked about living by the Spirit and how much more rewarding that life is compared to trying to satisfy our self-centered, human desires. I talked about how accepting Christ in my life totally and perfectly transformed me.

I then asked them if they had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The drifter was totally confused and started talking about how he had done some good things at one point in his life. I told him I was glad that he’d done good things, but “ ‘doing good’ is not the issue. Have you accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior?”

He didn’t get it. I patiently explained to him that accepting Jesus and receiving Him into his life had nothing to do with the good he had done – there is no earning your way into salvation.

He then said he was afraid to accept Christ because he knew he would probably be tempted to do bad things again when he got out of prison. I had to tell him several more times that accepting Christ was not contingent on bad things he had done, nor was it contingent on not sinning again in the future. In fact, I assured him that he and I both would still have sin in our life, but that with Jesus in our lives, those past and future sins would be fully forgiven. In most cases, the need for sin is supernaturally replaced by that empowering relationship with Jesus. The sin in many cases is “crucified,” as Paul states in Galatians 5:24 – “Those who belong to Jesus Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.”

The drifter could never figure out that being a Christian didn’t mean ‘doing good.’ We made some head-way, but he couldn’t cross the line to say, “yes” at that time to Jesus Christ. There were too many “buts” and “it’s just that’s.” I was not pushy. I was there simply to deliver the message. What he did with the life-saving message was up to him.

My loan officer prisoner looked me right in the eye and said he understood fully, and that he did want to cross the line. “I want to accept Christ ‘right now.’” I held my hand out to him and asked him to pray the prayer of salvation with me. When we finished, I looked up to see a young man with tears streaming down his face, relief and joy radiating from his eyes.

The former church staff member said he wanted to re-commit his life to Christ. We prayed that prayer and he, too, looked at me with a smile of relief and yes, a peace and confidence that I certainly had not detected when he walked in!

The next morning I received an e-mail from the young loan officer who is allowed to work during the day, and then returns to his cell each evening. Kyle (not his real name) is a changed man.

Hi Tim,

This is your brother kyle, I just wanted to keep you updated with my progress w/my new relationship with Jesus Christ my savor, Tim I really want to thank you for being in the right place at the right time, you are truly doing gods work and I know he his proud of you, you reached out to one of gods son's, and had a real impact on my life, I got back in my cell last night and before I went to bed, I got down on my knees and thank god for you, and thank him for coming in to my life, I always new he was there, but I never took the time to listen to his words. I cried like a baby under my covers last night from pure happiness, in fact I am crying right now. I just cant thank you enough. I will keep working on my relationship with the lord each day I wake up, and throughout the day. I know one day I will be rich in my hart and feel good about when the time comes that I can help other lost men and woman the way you helped me find my way to the lord.


When we “go out” and share the life-saving message of Jesus Christ, lives are changed. Kyle was changed, not due to some elaborate message, powerful preaching, intense preparation, doing good, or attending a church service. Those are all good things, but Kyle was changed because he made the decision to cross the line. People, and you, simply need to know that forgiveness of sins and eternal life is a gift available to the person who decides to accept Christ in their hearts.

Kyle’s life will never be the same, due to that simple decision, and he will never forget a powerful moment May 1, 2006 in a littered library, in a prison, in McKinney, Texas.

Neither will I.

Cover to Cover Schedule and Tips:
Welcome to the Cover to Cover Campaign!
May's Reading
Group #1 (C to C Readers beginning in February - 2005): Daniel, Hosea, Joel and Amos
Group #2 (C to C Readers beginning in March - 2005): Ezekiel
Group #3 (C to C Readers beginning in April - 2005): Jeremiah and Lamentations
Group #4 (C to C Readers beginning in May - 2005): Isaiah
Group #5 (C to C Readers beginning in June - 2005): Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs
Group #6 (C to C Readers beginning in July - 2005): Psalms
Group #7 (C to C Readers beginning in August - 2005): Esther & Job
Group #8 (C to C Readers beginning in September - 2005): Ezra & Nehemiah
Group #9 (C to C Readers beginning in October - 2005): 1 Chronicles & 2 Chronicles
Group #10 (C to C Readers beginning in November - 2005): 1 Kings & 2 Kings
Group #11 (C to C Readers beginning in December - 2005): Ruth; 1 Samuel & 2 Samuel
Group #12 (C to C Readers beginning in January - 2006): Joshua & Judges
Group #13 (C to C Readers beginning in February - 2006): Deuteronomy
Group #14 (C to C Readers beginning in March - 2006): Leviticus; Numbers (Leviticus can be a little slow going, but you can get through it!)
Group #15 (C to C Readers beginning in April - 2006): Exodus
Group #16 (C to C Readers beginning in May - 2006): Genesis
Congratulations to you on your decision! This is one commitment that will pay off beyond comprehension!
  1. Pray for divine guidance and understanding each time prior to reading scripture. Remember, you are reading God's Words written to and for you! This is extremely powerful, so get ready to be empowered!
  2. If you will resolve to read two chapters (or more) per sitting, you can easily accomplish the monthly assignments. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
  3. If you get behind, you can join the group that came after you - no disgrace whatsoever!
  4. Be sure to underline and/or highlight passages that stand out to you. You can even circle a verse or sections that really speak to you!
  5. If you have questions, feel free to e-mail me at: Dialogue can be very helpful.
  6. Reading the Bible is like developing a new muscle. The more you work out with it, the more you'll "get it". Don't get discouraged - be encouraged! Some books are easier to read than others. Every book contains incredible material - and soon it will start coming together into profound new understanding and revelation for you.
  7. I'm praying for you daily. You can do this, no question about it. God bless you immensely!
In His Service, Tim Darnell Publisher / Editor Footsteps of Faith Messenger

Footsteps of Faith Messenger is a weekly publication of Advantage Conferences. Click Here To Subscribe

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